Insulation Contractors Fort Collins CO
Problem: When Black Timber Builders set out to complete the Donath Lake development, they intended to create the first high-end custom home development in the US meeting the criteria for passive home certification. They needed insulation contractors that knew how to get the job done, so they called on Ascend Construction to meet their high-end insulation needs.
Solution: We put together a detailed and effective plan for the Donath Lake development to achieve a very high level of energy efficiency with a focus on insulation and delivering airtightness in the home. Our team put their plan into action and insulated a vaulted ceiling cavity, the exterior framing cavities, the attic space, and interior floor cavities using Green Fiber Cellulose Insulation. We also installed Rockwool Mineral Wool Batt to insulate and reduce air leakage within the walls as well.
Fort Collins Whole House Fan Installation
Problem: The Ashleys wanted a cost-effective solution to cool their home during the summer months without the expense of running air conditioning.
Solution: Ascend Construction installed an AirScape Sierra 3200 whole house fan to provide cost-effective cooling solutions for this Fort Collins, Colorado home.
Fort Collins Attic Insulation Installation Project
Problem: The Westover household in Fort Collins, CO was experiencing huge temperature changes throughout their home and their utility expenses were extremely high.
Solution: Ascend Construction removed all of the old insulation in the attic & knee walls. We then sealed all air gaps and installed new insulation to a higher standard than the original building contractor.
Fort Collins Insulation Install Project
Problem: Sloan Construction needed an insulation contractor in Fort Collins, CO that was capable of installing insulation following IECC Compliance Guide & local building codes for Homes in Colorado.
Solution: Ascend Construction installed insulation with the appropriate specifications and installation guidelines to meet all energy & building codes.